Youtube Video Builder, an easy way to create videos for your business

Have you ever wanted to get your business on Youtube but didn’t have any videos that you could use to flaunt your business?

You’re in luck.

Kind of.

Google has just announced a new feature called ‘Youtube Video Builder’ which allows businesses to give a creative kick to static assets like images, text and even logos.

With the current environment, the world is facing with COVID19 in front of all of us.

The way businesses communicate has completely changed.

How many of your favourite local businesses have made a massive pivot to adapt to the current market?

Plenty right?

These desperate times to further generate an income for their business creates out of the box thinking.

A way to innovate in their industry and stand out.

If you ask me, it’s genuinely amazing.

Youtube Video Builder was developed to further help these businesses innovate especially when they’re lacking video assets.

Google has been pushing Youtube advertising out to agencies over the last 12 months.

With majority their focus to further get existing clients currently advertising on Google Search and the display network to further dabble into the interesting world of Youtube.

The problem I’ve found though…

And probably many other agencies have as well,

Our clients don’t have any assets that are good enough to use.

Nor, did you want to use what they have on file to represent their business.

Most times their assets are about as appealing as moldy bread.

I also think Google has been playing a little bit of catchup with their not so best friend…Facebook.

For quite some time now Facebook has possessed a quite good video creation platform from static assets within the ads manager.

A platform that has also allowed me along with countless other advertisers to dramatically improve client assets along with saving countless hours developing static assets into video.

With Google turning up the heat to help increase the amount of users advertising on Youtube.

It would be interesting to see if this simple video builder picks up some traction.

To find out more, view Google’s article here:

Picture of Jamie Williamson

Jamie Williamson

Head Honcho @ Umped